These fantastic chandeliers are from Austin jewelry designer Tracy Tenpenny. They're called Serena and they are part of Tenpenny's East Side Collection. Tracy tells me
Touch of Sass http://www.touchofsass.net/just ordered some and the owner there is crazy about them. I think I'm crazy about them, too. Tracy's jewelry is so girlie and feminine, yet sophisticated and fantastically Austin. Wear these anywhere in the world and when people ask you where you got them, just say, "I got them in Austin." For more on Tracy Tenpenny's story, go to:
Hey Rachel! It's Liz... Bolsa Bonita... I'm afraid my emails to you are ending up in your spam folder! I didn't want you to think I haven't been responding- so, check your bulk folder or add me to your address book so I don't get bounced! Let me know if you've received any of my emails- sorry to post this on your blog, I figured it was the only way to contact you for sure! (great blog by the way!)- Liz
Oh my god! These are fabulous! Who is the Tracy Tenpenny? I want to see more of her jewelry!
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